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ProjektnameDigital Literacy for Data Security and Digital Identity
FinanzierungErasmus+  Programm
ProjektkoordinatorBergisches Berufskolleg Standort Wipperfürth
Kontakt Mail: Frau S. Hoffmann
ProjektpartnerRakvere Ametikool 
Projektlaufzeit01.09.2016 – 31.08.2018


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  • 23.05.2017 Lokalzeitung Wipperfürth-Lindlar
  • 15.10.2016 Lokalzeitung Tier
  • 29.06.2016 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger


  1. Entwicklung der digitalen Kompetenz im Bereich Datensicherheit und digitaler Identität
  2. Entwicklung und Vertiefung der Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Bereichen Teamarbeit, Projektmanagement, Zeitmanagement, Selbst- und Fremdevaluation
  3. Entwicklung und Vertiefung interkultureller Kompetenzen
  4. Anwendung und Förderung der Fremdsprachenkenntnisse in Englisch
  5. Förderung der Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit
  6. Förderung der Toleranz und Akzeptanz von Unterschieden
  7. Erhöhung der Lernmotivation
  8. Lehren und Lernen in schülerzentrierten und problembasierten Lernumgebungen
  9. Entwicklung von Lehr- und Lernmaterialen, die von allen Schülerinnen und Schülern der beiden Berufskollegs genutzt werden können
  10. Förderung des Bewusstseins für die Werte der Europäischen Union


Schaffung von digitalen Lehr- und Lernmaterialien durch estnische und deutsche Schülerinnen und Schüler in verschiedenen Projektabschnitten:

  1. Intercultural studies
  2. Internet crime
  3. Personal rights and social networks
  4. Identity protection in a digital environment 
  5. Digital awareness

Im Rahmen des Projektes werden deutsche und estnische Schülerinnen und Schüler die Möglichkeit haben, sowohl in persönlichem Kontakt als auch online an diesen Projekten zu arbeiten.

Über das Bergische Berufskolleg

Projekt mit der Partnerschule in Rakvere ab September 2016

Überblick über die Arbeit an unseren Projekteinheiten

Seit Beginn des Projektes im September 2016 arbeiten verschiedene Lerngruppen an den festgelegten Projekteinheiten.

Intercultural studies

  • 21.09.2016 Skypesession: Vorstellung der beteiligten Lernenden, Kennenlernen, Festlegung der Themen für die Projekteinheit „Interkulturellen Studien“
  • August bis Dezember 2016: Erstellung von Präsentationen und Videos über Wipperfürth, die Region Oberberg, das Bergische Berufskolleg, deutsche Sitten und Bräuche, das deutsche politische System und das Bildungssystem, Familienleben, etc.
  • Dezember 2016 bis jetzt: Arbeit an der Projektwebseite: Vorstellung unserer Schule, des Berufsbildes und unseres Heimatortes
  • Mai 2017: Während des Besuchs in Rakvere hat ein deutscher Schüler eine Präsentation über die deutsche Kultur für alle estnischen Schüler, die an diesem Thema interessiert waren, gehalten. Außerdem haben estnische und deutsche SchülerInnen gemeinsam das National Museum in Tartu besucht, in dem sie mehr über die estnische Sprache, Kultur und Geschichte erfahren haben.
  • seit Juni 2017:  Vorbereitung, Erstellung und Einüben verschiedener Präsentationen zum Thema „Unternehmen in Deutschland“ (lokale Unternehmen, große deutsche IT-Firmen, bekannte Autohersteller, deutsche Computerspielehersteller, bekannte Hersteller von Ausgabegeräten).

Projektergebnisse: Videos über die Schulen und Heimatstädte beider Länder, Präsentationen über die deutsche Kultur und Lebensweise    


PDF Task sheet
PDF Educational system
PDF Famous Germans
PDF Life in a German family
PDF Political system
PDF Traditions in Germany

Internet crime

  • August bis Dezember 2016: Arbeit am Thema „Meetings“: Vorbereitung des Kick-off Meetings zur Projekteinheit, Erstellung von Fragen zur Vorbereitung des computerbasierten Trainings
  • 10.11.2016: Skypekonferenz zur Festlegung der Features für das computerbasierte Quiz
  • 29.11.2016: Kick-off Meeting zur Projekteinheit; Festlegung der Themen für die Präsentationen
  • Dezember 2016 bis März 2017: gemeinsame Arbeit an den Präsentationen über digitale Kommunikationsmedien, Programmierung des computerbasierten Trainings
  • 01.03.2017: Skypekonferenz: Milestonemeeting: Präsentation der erreichten Meilensteine und Festlegung der nächsten Meilensteine
  • April 2017: Fertigstellung der Ergebnisse dieser Projekteinheit in internationalen Teams mit Hilfe von Onlinekommunikationsmedien:
    Vervollständigung der Präsentationen zu verschiedenen Themen (Blocking of Services, Internet Fraud, Cyber Attacks, How people can profit on the Internet, Policies and Copyright).Die deutsche Lerngruppe vollendete die Arbeiten an dem selbst programmierten computer-based training Progamm und erstellte zur Qualitätssicherung durch nicht in den Prozess involvierte SchülerInnen einen Fragebogen.
  • Mai 2017: Skype Session: Vorbereitung des Besuchs in Estland.
    Während des Besuchs der deutschen Lerngruppe in Estland, wurden alle Präsentationen zum Thema Internetkriminalität (Blocking of Services, Internet Fraud, Cyber Attacks, How people can profit on the Internet, Policies and Copyright) gehalten. Alle IT- Schüler der estnischen IT Abteilung waren dazu eingeladen.
    In Estland wurden diese Präsentationen gemeinsam in den internationalen Teams für nicht IT-Schüler vereinfacht. Diese werden aufgenommen und später in Online-Tutorials eingebunden.
    Zusätzlich haben die Teams ihre Fragen, Antworten und Erklärungen für ihre jeweiligen Themen in Form von Quizz in den Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch und Estnisch entwickelt und in das computer-basierte Trainingsprogramm eingefügt, so dass Probanden nach Durcharbeit der Tutorials ihr entwickeltes Verständnis damit prüfen können.
  • Juni 2017: Auswertung der Online-Befragung der Testbenutzer
    Letzte Änderungen des computer-basierten Trainingsprogramms
    Erstellung der Online-Tutorials zu den restlichen Themen

Projektergebnisse: Präsentationen zu den Themen: Blocking of Services, Internet Fraud, Cyber Attacks, How people can profit on the Internet, Policies and Copyright sowohl für IT-Schüler als auch für IT-Laien, selbstständig programmiertes computer-basiertes Trainingsprogramm, Quiz auf der Grundlage der Präsentationen für Nicht-IT-Schüler, Online-Tutorial zum Thema Cyberattacks    


 PDF: Cyber Attacks
 PDF: Estonia-Germany Internet Security
 PDF: Identity Fraud
 PDF: Blocking of Services
 PDF: Computer-based-Training Programm

Computer based training:

Application and sourcecode

Tutorial Cyberattacks

Personal rights and social networks

  • Januar 2017: Informationsrecherche zum Thema
  • April 2017: die deutsche Lerngruppe hat die Ergebnisse ihrer Recherche über Facebook zusammengestellt.
  • Mai 2017: Meeting während des Besuchs in Estland: Die generellen Themen, die von beiden Gruppen in den Online-Tutorials über soziale Netzwerke abgedeckt werden müssen, wurden festgelegt. Die deutsche Lerngruppe wird sich auf Facebook konzentrieren und die estnische Lerngruppe auf Twitter. 
  • Juni 2017: Planung und Recherche zur Erstellung von Online-Tutorials    
  • August bis Dezember 2017: Erstellung eines webbasierten Tutorials und einer Präsentation zum Thema "Soziale Netzwerke" mit dem Ziel, dem Nutzer einen Leitfaden zur kritischen und verantwortungsbewussten Nutzung von sozialen Netzwerken an die Hand zu geben. Außerdem wird die Entwicklung der Unternehmen, die hinter den sozialen Netzwerken stehen, thematisiert.
    Auf Grund erheblicher und sich ständig ändernder Markenschutzrechte (Nutzung von Screenshots, Logos, etc.) werden die Ergebnisse nicht veröffentlicht, da allein der aktuelle Facebook Markenguide ein Datenvolumen von 613 MB besitzt.
  • Dezember 2017: Während der Projektwoche in Estland wurden die Arbeitsergebnisse präsentiert. Ferner erhielten die Lernenden Gelegenheit, das abschließende, auf das Tutorial bezogene Quiz zu durchlaufen. In internationalen Teams wurden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Facebook und Twitter herausgearbeitet. Damit wurde diese Projekteinheit abgeschlossen.

Projektergebnisse: Interne Webseite zum Thema "Nutzung von sozialen Netzwerken"


 PDF: Critcism 
 PDF: Facebook vs. Twitter 
 PDF: Impact and Communication 

Identity protection in a digital environment

  • August 2016: Verfassen des Projektauftrages
  • September 2016: Formulierung von Fragen und Antworten, Verfassen des Projektantrags
  • November 2016: Vorbereitung des ersten Face-to-Face Projektmeetings
  • Dezember 2016: Face-to-Face Meeting; Brainstorming session zum Begriff “Digitale Identität”
  • Januar 2017: Erstellung eines Lastenheftes
  • Februar 2017: Verfassen eines Pflichtenhefts
  • März – April 2017: Erstellung von Präsentationen zum Thema Projektmanagementmethoden und Projektmanagementstandards, die zur Planung dieser Projekteinheit verwendet wurden, durch die deutsche Lerngruppe. 
  • Mai 2017: Während des Projektbesuchs in Estland wurden die Ergebnisse der Planungsphase vorgestellt und den estnischen Lernenden im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Lerneinheit nähergebracht. In der Entscheidungsfindung wurde sich auf gemeinsame Kriterien für ein sicheres Passwort, sowie das Layout der zu gestaltenden Webseite geeinigt. Die Themen für die zu erstellende Webseite wurden auf beide Gruppen aufgeteilt. 
  • Juni 2017: Evaluation der ersten Projektphase „Planung“
  • August bis Dezember 2017:  Eine neue Lerngruppe arbeitete sich in die Projekteinheit anhand der bereits erstellten Dokumente ein. Sie planten und erstellten eine Nutzwertanalyse zu Webcontent-Managementsystemen, um herauszufinden, welches eingesetzt werden soll.
  • Dezember 2017 bis August 2018: Durch die Nutzwertanalyse wurde WordPress präferiert. Während der Projektwoche in Estland wurden die bisherigen Arbeitsergebnisse präsentiert und in internationalen Teams die Inhalte der Webseite abgestimmt. Die Teams einigten sich ebenfalls auf Kommunikationsmedien, die sie nutzen werden, um weiterhin online an der Projekteinheit arbeiten zu können. Sie haben Meilensteine festgelegt, um einen kontinuierlichen Arbeitsfortschritt der Teams sicherzustellen. 
    Im Rahmen des Besuchs der estnischen Delegation in Wipperfürth im April 2018 wurden zunächst alle Zwischenergebnisse, die online in den internationalen Gruppen in den vergangenen Monaten erzielt wurden, zusammengetragen. Anschließend arbeiteten die internationalen Teams weiter an der interaktiven Webseite. Sie erstellten Videos und Texte zu verschiedenen Themen („Standarddaten, die nicht im Internet veröffentlicht werden sollten..“, „Der Umgang mit VPNs..“, „Der Umgang mit persönlichen Daten im Internet“, etc.)  auf Deutsch, English und Estnisch. Diese Ergebnisse werden auf der Webseite im Intranet an beiden Schulen veröffentlicht. Teile der Inhalte dieser Webseite werden auch auf der Projektwebseite der Schüler veröffentlicht. Damit wurde diese Projekteinheit abgeschlossen.

Projektergebnisse: Projektauftrag, Lasten- und Pflichtenheft in Deutsch und Englisch, Präsentationen zum dem Planungsprozess, Projektauftrag, Lasten- und Pflichtenheft, Kriterien für ein sicheres Passwort, Vorschläge zur Gestaltung der zu erstellenden Webseite, Videos und Texte zu verschiedenen Themen („Standarddaten, die nicht im Internet veröffentlicht werden sollten..“, „Der Umgang mit VPNs..“, „Der Umgang mit persönlichen Daten im Internet“, etc.) 


 PDF: Projektantrag
 PDF: Task List
 PDF: Presentation Task List
 PDF: Project Progress
 PDF: Project Charter
 PDF: Functional Specification
 PDF: Presentation Functional Specification
 PDF: Criteria for a Safe Password
 PDF: Layout Website
 PDF: Data-Threads-Security
 PDF: Further Personal Information
 PDF: History Data Estonia
 PDF: Presentation Videoprojekt (Data-Threads-Protection)

Identity Protection

Digital Awareness

  • seit September 2017: Das estnische und deutsche Lehrerteam plant die Projekteinheit und die Aktivitäten im Rahmen der Projekteinheit während des geplanten Estlandbesuches im Dezember. Die beteiligten deutschen und estnischen Lerngruppen erhalten den Auftrag, ein digitales Image übereinander zu erstellen.    
  • Dezember 2017 bis August 2018: Während der Projektwoche im Dezember 2017 in Estland haben wir damit begonnen, gemeinsame Standards für die Erstellung von Präsentationen festzulegen. Im Anschluss daran startete die Projekteinheit „Digital Awareness“. Hierfür konnte jedes der insgesamt vier multinationalen Teams aus einem Pool von Themen, jeweils ein Thema auswählen. Die Teams einigten sich darauf, in den folgenden fünf Monaten an den folgenden Themen zu arbeiten:

    • Impact of digital footprint
    • Social and ethic responsibility of IT-experts
    • Recommendations for creating a digital footprint
    • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

    Innerhalb der vorgegebenen Zeit sollten die Teams Präsentationen zu den jeweiligen Themen erstellen. Die weitere Zusammenarbeit erfolgte online und die Teams haben regelmäßig den zuständigen estnischen und deutschen Lehrern berichtet.
    Während des Besuchs der estnischen Delegation im April 2018 in Wipperfürth haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler in internationalen Teams die Präsentationen zu ihren jeweiligen Themen vervollständigt und diese im Plenum gehalten. Auf der Grundlage der Präsentationen haben sie Infographiken auf Deutsch, Englisch und Estnisch erstellt. Diese Infographiken (im DIN A 2 Format) werden am Bergischen Berufskolleg Standort Wipperfürth ausgehängt, sodass diese Informationen allen Schülerinnen und Schülern zugänglich sind. Damit wurde diese Projekteinheit abgeschlossen.

Projektergebnisse: Präsentationen zu dem Themen „Artificial intelligence“, „Impact of digital footprints“, „Social and ethical responsibility of IT-experts“, „How to leave a positive digital footprint”, Infographiken zu allen Themen


 PDF: Artificial Intelligence
 PDF: Impact of Digital Footprints
 PDF: Positive Digital Footprint
 PDF: Social and Ethic Responsibility of IT-Experts

Bisherige Projekttreffen

Vorbereitungen 05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016

Im Februar 2016 besuchte das deutsche Lehrerteam die estnische Partnerschule in Rakvere. Bei diesem Treffen wurde das Antragsdokument für die Europäische Union erweitert, diskutiert und vervollständigt. Vom 5.10.2016 bis 7.10.2016 fand ein transnationales Treffen der am Erasmus + Projekt beteiligten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer bzw. Projektmanager statt. Im Rahmen dieses Meetings wurden grundlegende Vereinbarungen für das zweijährige Projekt getroffen. Ferner wurde das Projekt mit der estnischen Delegation, dem deutschen Lehrerteam sowie den beteiligten Schülern feierlich eingeweiht.

Visit to Wipperfürth 28.11.2016 - 02.12.2016


On the first two days of the Estonian students’ visit to Germany, we focused on the project unit "intercultural studies."

First, our German first-year students delivered their presentations about different topics, such as traditions and customs, the political and educational system, traditional food, family life in Germany and German celebrities.

At the end of each presentation, students were asked to talk about the topics further. They entered into a discussion about similarities and differences with regard to their home countries. In this way, both German and Estonian students could learn more about their own culture and the culture of their counterparts.

All students of the vocational school had been invited to participate in a meeting in the afternoon. First, Estonian students presented their videos about their home town, Rakvere, their college and Estonia. Many German students were really impressed by the Estonian school. Students also reported how they had recorded the videos by explaining the equipment they had used as well as scripts, etc.

Our German second-year students had also prepared some videos for their Estonian visitors. These videos were watched together and students discussed differences and similarities.


On Tuesday students started working on the project unit “internet crime.” The aim of this project unit is to prepare presentations on internet crime and security measures, which will be delivered to all interested students at both colleges over the course of the next visits. They will also program a computer-based training module on this topic, which will be used by both colleges.

This was quite an exciting day for the German group, as they had prepared this day for quite a long period of time. They had prepared a kick-off meeting for the project unit "internet crime" during their lessons and in their free time.

The German students had written and sent an invitation and agenda to their fellow students in Estonia two weeks before the Estonians actually visited Germany. They had discussed the topic "How to chair an international meeting" and learned more about chairing a meeting in English. Two students actually acted as chairs on this day.

PDF invitation
PDF description kick-off meeting
PDF overview of topics

During the meeting, students agreed on topics they would like to deal with in their presentations and computer-based training. They also built international teams and started working on the topics in these teams.

The entire group was then able to take part in an intercultural workshop in the open-air museum in Lindlar.

They worked on a quiz about German history and culture and exchanged information about traditional German and Estonian food and Christmas traditions in their groups.


This was a really challenging day for the group, as they had to work on two different IT-related project units.

In the morning, students continued working on the project unit “internet crime.” They first drew up a table of contents for their presentations, which was discussed and assessed by the entire group in a feedback session. After that, all international teams set up a schedule as well as a project plan for this project unit. Students decided that they would use different communication tools to stay in touch with their Estonian counterparts online. They also agreed on milestones.

After lunch, students started working on the project unit “identity protection in a digital environment.” They engaged in a brainstorming session concerning the term “digital identity.” At the end of this brainstorming session, they had agreed on the issues they would like to focus on in this project unit. Students will create a digital website on this topic which can be accessible to all students at both colleges.


During one of our first Skype sessions, the Estonian group asked if it would be possible to learn some German during their visit to Germany. This is why German students arranged a German lesson, which they prepared together with one of our German language teachers. The teacher also supervised this lesson, which took place on Tuesday as part of our project unit “intercultural studies.” All German students involved in this project attended a lesson on Estonian languages and cultures, which was prepared and supervised by the Estonian teachers who visited Germany. Everyone was truly impressed by these lessons.

Later in the day, all students visited an exhibition about sustainable consumer behavior which is financed by the EU in Cologne. This visit had two objectives: 1. Students learned more about sustainable usage of technology (see picture digital tree) and 2. Students had to engage in a discussion about the positive impact their project results can have on themselves as well as on the wider public. The discussion was intended to increase students’ motivation to reach better results that could be used by the wider public.


Friday morning, all Estonian visitors as well as all IT students from the vocational school in Wipperfürth had the opportunity to attend a lecture by two external experts. Representatives from the company Voss talked about internet crime and security measures. They focused in particular on the threats a company could be faced with. This lecture was really informative and interesting, and students can use this information for their own project work as well. Following the lecture, students could enter into a discussion with the external experts.

After the lecture students also had time to think about their own projects again, and they revised their table of contents, adding information they learned from the lecture.

All students who had visited the exhibition in Cologne the day before were then asked to collect ideas on the impact of EU projects on the participants and the wider public. We drew up a list.

After lunch, all participants of the transnational meeting evaluated it online, so that we could talk about the results of the evaluation right away and put forth suggestions for improvement for the next meeting.

In the afternoon we had an award ceremony in which all attendees of the meeting received certificates. We also enjoyed a truly German teatime with a lot of cakes.

Visit to Rakvere 14.05.2017 - 20.05.2017


On the first day in Rakvere students could start off by taking a tour of our partner school's premises. German students stayed in the school's dormitory and ate in the school cafeteria, which was really great.

Then students continued work on the project unit "internet crime". After having worked online for months on several presentations about the topic internet crime, they were glad that they could finalize presentations in their international teams face-to-face. They worked really hard and prepared different presentations for each sub-topic aimed at IT students. Some teams delivered their presentations for IT students in the afternoon. All IT students attending Rakvere vocational college attended this presentation session. Students then decided that the wider public should also benefit from project results. This is why they decided it would be useful to simplify their presentations so that a wider audience consisting of non-IT students could benefit from the results. All presentations for non-IT students will be recorded as a video as well, so that they are accessible later on for more people at both colleges. Students also started drawing up questions and answers to be entered in a computer-based training programme. Using this computer-based training programme, students and teachers interested in this topic can test their knowledge after having listened to the presentations.


On the second day of our seminar in Estonia, students went to Tartu, the intellectual and cultural capital of Estonia. Everyone had been looking forward to this trip. In the morning, students had the opportunity to take part in a workshop about “friendly trolling”. Supervisors from University of Tartu explained to students how to programme a “friendly virus”, which they enjoyed doing. Then, they could participate in a lecture about practical cyber defence by a PhD student. This was really interesting, since students can use the knowledge they gained for their own project work.

After lunch, students visited the Estonian company Playtech. They were first introduced to the company in general and then they listened to a presentation about data security by a company representative who is in charge of security issues in the company. Students also received a tour of the office so that they could familiarize themselves with the working environment in an IT-company in Estonia. In the afternoon, all participants visited Estonian National Museum in Tartu. They took part in a guided tour and could learn more about Estonian language, culture and history. They also learned that both countries have some common roots.

This was a really long day and we had a tight schedule, but students and teachers really enjoyed it.


As several international teams had worked on diverse topics concerning computer crime, there were two groups left who presented their results in the morning. They delivered quite a comprehensive overview of the topic, as the audience consisted of mostly IT students. Afterward students worked on their presentations for non-IT students. After that, students engaged in another working session together with their German/ Estonian counterparts and continued writing questions, answers and explanations in English, German and Estonian for our computer-based training programme. This was quite a challenging task for all students, as they really had to discuss what to include in the computer-based training.

For lunch, some students prepared a traditional Estonian dessert, Kama, for the entire group. After lunch, the group started working on the next project unit, “identity protection in digital environment”. As agreed to in the project plan, the German group had prepared the first project stage, “planning”, of this project unit. They used professional project management tools such as a project charter, task list, functional specification and milestones to plan, and they presented the result to all students involved in the project. This session also served as a common learning session where Estonians were introduced to German project management tools and standards. Then both groups engaged in a decision-making session based on planning results and decided how to implement the project in the second year. Both groups will work on an interactive webpage on the topic “identity protection” and share the workload because this project is too comprehensive for either of the colleges to manage on their own.


In the morning, the computer-based training programme was introduced to and tested by users. A group of both IT and non-IT students tested the programme and gave feedback using an online questionnaire that had been prepared in advance. This survey was then analysed by the team responsible for it.

In the afternoon, all students involved worked on different tasks and topics in international teams. They rehearsed for the dissemination event on the next day. They also started work on the project unit “social networks” in small teams and finalized work on the project unit “internet crime.”

Both project managers, Katre Lomp and Sabine Hoffmann, were invited to attend the First Day of Internationalisation in Estonia in Pärnu. There they participated in a panel discussion about internationalisation of vocational education. They talked about the project and the advantages, challenges and impact of international projects.


Estonian students had prepared and organised a dissemination event at Rakvere College. All students and staff interested in the project results were invited to attend this event. The objective of this event was to present the achievements the first project year.

After lunch, students and teachers engaged in an evaluation session. As this was almost the end of the first project year, we had to evaluate not only the project units we worked on, but also the work process. We engaged in a group interview to find out more about what had changed due to participation in international project work. We focussed in particular on changes with regard to team work and intercultural, language and project management skills. 

The day ended with a cultural programme in Rakvere Castle where we went back to 16th century and learned about the lives of knights in Estonia. We even had the possibility to visit “hell”.

All international teams profited enormously from this face-to-face working session, because they could discuss their results in person and engage in innovative brainstorming and decision-making sessions.

Visit to Rakvere 03.12.2017 - 09.12.2017


On the first project day in Estonia, students started with a guided tour of the premises of Rakvere Vocational School. During the course of the previous months, students had the task of searching for information about their partners on the internet. They researched on social networking sites, etc. In a common learning session, they presented their results and confirmed/ disconfirmed their findings. Everyone really enjoyed this session because some funny and fake facts came up. After that, both groups presented their results about the social networks Twitter and Facebook. Students were then commissioned to work on the similarities and differences between these social networks. They prepared presentations, etc. in international teams which were presented at the end of the first day.


The second day of the students’ exchange started by agreeing on common rules for preparing presentations in English. After that, the project unit „Digital Awareness “was initiated. A team of teachers prepared several possible topics before the meeting so that the students had a variety from which to choose. International teams agreed on the following topics which they will deal with in the following five months:

  • Impact of digital footprint Social and ethic responsibility of IT- experts
  • Recommendations for creating a digital footprint
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Students are now commissioned to prepare presentations on the respective topics within a stipulated period of time. The results will be presented to the general public during the visit from the Estonian group to Wipperfürth in April 2018. Moreover, students will draw up informative posters about each of the topics during the course of the project year. These posters will be made available to the general public at both colleges.


Early in the morning we caught a coach to Tallinn. Once we arrived we had a look around the E-Estonia showroom and we were given a presentation about technology and found out that unlike in the rest of the world, almost all public services can be carried out in Estonia online by using an electronic ID which every Estonian resident has. After that, we were given more time to look around the showroom. Next, we visited the Estonian company Primend OÜ and were told about different positions available and that the company likes to employ people who have only just finished college despite the fact that it takes time to train them. It was stressed that communication skills and knowledge of the ethics surrounding communication are very important in this field of work and that employees have to repeatedly deal with people who have IT problems. A former student of Rakvere Ametikool also told us what his average day is like at the company. After that we had a tour in Ülemiste Technopolis Campus which was very interesting. Then we quickly bought some food and caught the coach to Tallinn University of Technology where we were given a short talk about the university: in particular about different study opportunities and student life. We also looked around the Student’s Union.  Then half of us participated in a workshop on creating mobile games and the other half took part in a workshop on programming microcontrollers with Phyton. Later that evening, we returned to Rakvere.


In the morning students started working on the project unit “Identity Protection in a Digital Environment”. The objective of this project unit is to create a website which informs interested readers / viewers at both colleges about how to protect their digital identity. Therefore, the German group worked on different ideas of how to implement this website. They also prepared suggestions on the content of this website. These results were presented to the Estonian group. On the basis of these presentations, both groups were able to agree on the content of the website. They are going to continue work on this project unit online in international student teams. They will use different communication tools. During today’s work session, they set milestones to make sure that they continuously work on this project unit and complete it on time.

In the afternoon our group took a trip to Sagadi. Sagadi is located in the national park Lahemaa and there is a historic manor house and a museum of forestry there.  First students took a guided tour of the premises and were informed about the history of the manor house. Then the students and the teachers played adventure games in international teams. While playing these games the students and the teachers learnt how to measure the height of a tree, and gained an insight into the history of wood processing and hunting in general. In the evening the group enjoyed an authentic Estonian Christmas dinner.


In the morning students continued work on the project unit “Digital Awareness”. They carried on working on their presentations in international teams and had the chance to make agreements on further cooperation. At the same time, some students tested our computer-based training programme to receive feedback on how to improve certain features of the programme. After lunch, everybody took part in an evaluation session. Students and teachers were asked to fill in feedback sheets on different project units and on the visit in general. After that, all certificates of attendance and Europass documents were awarded to the students and the teachers involved in the project during this project week.

Visit to Wipperfürth 08.04.2018 - 14.04.2018


On the first day in Germany, all students were welcomed by our headmistress. Estonian and German students then took a tour of the school’s premises. German students and teachers introduced Estonian students to the German system of vocational education. Students could also talk to students from different department of the German college. After that, both groups continued project work on the project unit "digital awareness." They completed their presentations and delivered them to all those involved in the project. In the afternoon, students started developing infographics on their topics. These infographics will be available to all students at both colleges. 


In the morning, the group had to complete their infographics on different topics. They will inform interested students at both colleges about artificial intelligence and the impact of positive and negative footprints you leave on the internet. They worked diligently to complete these infographics in English, Estonian and German. After lunch, all students involved in the project had the opportunity to participate in an intercultural workshop in the open-air museum in Lindlar. Students and teachers learned more about German regional traditions and customs. They prepared a regional dish and were introduced to German history. In the evening, students and teachers took part in a team-building event. We all went to the climbing hall in Lindlar and were introduced to climbing. Most students had never tried this before.


Everybody was really excited about Wednesday morning, because students could attend a lecture on the topic “Social Networks – a guideline for digital execution” – “I know what you will have done tomorrow” – Tricks of people collecting data in web 3.0”. Our team of teachers had invited Prof. Ernst Schulten from the University of Aschaffenburg to give this lecture. He is a renowned scientist in this field. All students were really impressed and learned a lot about how to surf the net more safely.  Students involved in the project then engaged in a feedback session. It turned out that a lot of students had not been aware of the dangers involved in using social networking sites. After lunch, students and teachers took a tour of the premises of the local company Jockey. There, they learned more about automation in an industrial plant. 


On Thursday, all those involved in the project had to work on the unit “Identity protection in a digital environment.” At first, students presented the results they had achieved so far. Then, they had to complete recording of videos in English, Estonian and German. They added all contents onto our project website. This website will be accessible to all students at both colleges, so that they can inform themselves about dangers and protection measures. This website contains videos on several topics related to identity protection (standard details that should not be published online, VPN, how to deal with further personal information, etc.) as well as texts regarding these issues. Parts of this webpage, such as the videos, will be upload to our school’s webpage as well. In the evening, Estonian and German students and teachers had a barbecue at school. 


In the morning, all groups presented their results and finished uploading their results on the webpage. Then, Estonian students could attend a workshop on Html that had been prepared and planned by German students. After that, both groups engaged in a feedback session. In this session, participants evaluated the project units, organization of the visit to Wipperfürth and general project objectives. In the afternoon we had an award ceremony in which all attendees of the meeting received certificates.


Im Juni 2018 fand ein dreitägiges Projektabschlusstreffen aller beteiligten Lehrer/-innen und Projektleiterinnen am Berufskolleg in Wipperfürth statt. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung  wurden die Projektergebnisse reflektiert und evaluiert. Außerdem wurde der Abschlussbericht für die Europäische Union vorbereitet. Alle Projektergebnisse wurden auf der E-Twinning-Plattform und der Ergebnisplattform der EU online gestellt und ausgewählte Inhalte außerdem auf dieser Webseite veröffentlicht.

Anlässlich der Abschlussfeier, in der die Absolventen gewürdigt wurden und die Zeugnisse erhielten, wurden die Teilnehmer des Erasmusprojektes von der estnischen Partnerdelegation verabschiedet. In einer anschließenden lockeren Runde betonten die am Projekt beteiligten Schüler und Lehrer noch einmal ihre positiven Erfahrungen und Eindrücke, die sie durch den gemeinsamen Austausch in den letzten zwei Jahren gesammelt haben. 

Abschließend fand ein Austausch über die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden beteiligten Schulen statt.